Apr 28, 2021
Welcome to The Kayleigh O’Keefe Show!
In this episode of The Kayleigh O’Keefe Show podcast, Kayleigh interviews Kasia Hein-Peters, VP Value and Health Outcomes for Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies and an M.D.
In their conversation, Kasia shares:
P.S. - Grab a copy of the book to read Kasia's haiku!
Schedule a call with Kayleigh to explore your solo or corporate book: https://calendly.com/kayleigh-okeefe/solo-book-writing-publishing
Purchase Leading Through the Pandemic on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08SQWKXQ2
Connect with Kayleigh on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kayleighokeefe/
Connect with Kasia on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kasiaheinpeters/